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Support Services for body image

SUPPORT SERVICES: Support services can be provided in many different forms, government services, community sponsored groups and social media platforms.
Government services have guidelines provided by the National Advisory Group on body image . Theses include the roles of schools and health service providers.  Schools are supported by the Butterfly Foundation, with wellbeing programs. They identified 1 in 5 youths globally have missed school because they feel they don't look good enough and 31% are withdrawing from classroom debate because they don't wont attention on themselves.
Sporting groups offer programs designed to educate , empower and enable help seeking. They also provide fact sheets.
Headspace centre provides online and phone services.
Health direct can provide with many different service providers and locations ,Gp's and counselling. The government provide bulk billing mental health services. 
HNE ( Hunter New England ) kids health - NEXUS at JHH( John Hunter Hospital) also provides treatment for eating disorders for 15-17 year old.
COMMUNITY: Reachout Australia is an online and telephone service for young people and there families. There are many other websites and support services that discuss and include information about supporting body image.
Social Media:  There is a brand called @serotoninsupply it is a clothing brand dedicated to raising awareness for mental health. They became aware of body image health issues through there desired looks of clothing. Serontonin donate to nonprofit help organisations. 
Mission Australia nationwide service help people find mental health services for issues resulting from body image dissatisfaction.
Body image health issues for adults are under represented.  In literature and health studies there body image issues are often overlooked and instead related to age ( old an fat). Eating disorders Vic have weekly workshops for over 18's structured around self care and self acceptance. 
A collaboration with Booktopia where 7.5% of every sale goes towards supporting there programs. There research indicated that up to 25% of people experiencing an eating disorder are male . There is a stigma attached to eating disorders in relating to men and boys. 
My research showed when I googled "body image support for males" nothing showed up specific to men. They are though included in websites for "Betterhealth" and men healthlines.
GP's are the first in line in recognizing body image health issues. Gp's usually refer people for counselling and treatment.
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